Suuns @ Death By Audio 2/21/2014

Within Death by Audio’s vividly decorated psychedelic walls came Suuns, a four piece electronic rock band from Montreal. Suuns channel the essence of space and the galaxies – unearthly, vast, and growing while always moving, always in a rhythm. Quite the abstract description, but quite fitting once you’ve actually heard some of their music. To be more concrete, the interplay between hypnotic grooves of a sequencer and gripping guitar or bass riffs creates a sort of math rock feel with a more minimalist electronic spirit, well accented by the occasional lighthearted disco beat. The essence of space comes from the odd harmonies and generous amounts reverb and distortion. If you’re looking to get into Suuns but not sure where to start, check out “Pie IX” for an oldie or “2020” for a newbie and you will surely be ready for more.

As Suuns arrived on the homey stage, it was easy to feel the whole energy of the room change. People started to push forward and the room fell practically silent only to rise again to a rumble of cheers as Suuns began with the grinding gritty burst of sound that is “Powers of Ten”. Suuns front man, Ben Shemie, has this peculiar ability to reel you in with his crooked gaze, gritted teeth, and incessant pulsing – a clear decision that the atmosphere will be eerie, yet unmistakably danceable. With such driving and interwoven rhythms, it’s difficult not to latch on to one of them and just keep on grooving along. I certainly didn’t stop moving all night. The band was spot on from start to finish and left all types of fans pleased, playing a wide array of songs from both Zeroes QC and Images Du Futur.

Although many felt an encore was in order, none was had, and the more adventurous crowd headed to the back to play some classic arcade style games or maybe enjoy some more booze. My easy indicator of a good show is if it leaves you wanting to listen to the artist some more or if you are ready to move on. Suuns did not disappoint one bit; I find myself craving their songs as the soundtrack for my daily travels.


Powers of Ten
Pie IX
Untitled New Song
Edie’s Dream
Minor Work
Music Won’t Save You
