Little Dragon @ Terminal 5, 6/20/14

What better way to celebrate Midsummer’s Eve than at Terminal 5 with the Swedish group, Little Dragon? To celebrate the longest day of the year, it is typical to “dance around and drink some schnapps” according to the lead singer of Little Dragon, Yakimi Nagano. Their Spring US tour culminated here with back to back sold out performances June 20th and 21st.

The opener, Lawrence Rothman, is an artist on the rise, definitely one to keep our eyes on. All three of his edgy music videos, directed by the acclaimed artist and filmmaker Floria Sigismondi, explore the theme of identity with a cinematic flair. The videos capture Rothman’s taste for experimentation in the realm of conceptual art. We see him shape shift in his videos from a battered victim to Elizabeth Taylor, alluding to an inspiration from photographer Cindy Sherman. In concert, with no lighting affects, Rothman surprisingly did not delve into personas and instead allowed for an undivided attention to focus on his music. Darkness suits Rothman’s eerie and lush baritone vocals. His electro-pop performances on stage and screen defy expectations but never disappoint.

Little Dragon seemed very much at home on stage. Nagano unleashed her trademark soulful croons which offer a perfect compliment to the synth pop pulse. Little Dragon is promoting their new record, Nabuma Rubberband. Said to be inspired by Janet Jackson’s slow jams, this album maintains some of the dance vibe that Little Dragon is known for but features more of an R&B flavor than their previous three records. Check below for their just released, zombie filled video for their new single, “Pretty Girls”.
