Beet Box Radio: January 2016

Beet Box Radio returns for the first time in 2016 with a killer rotation mostly dominated by singer-songwriters and electronic pop. Let us know what your favorite track is this month and enjoy!

Beet Box Radio: January 2016

Deaf Rhino – “Ghosts”
Dirt, Rust, Chaos
Young Galaxy – “Factory Flaws”
Not Real, LPR, 1/28
Casket Girls – “Sixteen Forever”
The Piano Album
Band & The Beat – “21″
Ezra Furman – “Restless Year”
Perpetual Motion People, Bowery Ballroom, 2/10
Jenny Gillespie – “No Stone”
Cure For Dreaming
Nerve Leak – “Snow/Sun”
Bellechord – “Zoetrope”
Lushlife – “The Waking World”
Beacon– “Preserve”
Escapements, Great Scott, 2/10, Bowery Ballroom, 2/11
Swahili Blonde – “The Diamond Room”
And Only The Melody Was Real
High Highs – “Cascades”
Cascades, Union Pool, 1/29
